Change your mind

If you’re here, I’m guessing its because you’re at least somewhat openminded to various ways of healing. Maybe you’re curious what this is all about or maybe you just felt guided here. No matter what led you here, I’m excited you made it.

Note: Hypnotherapy is covered by insurance.

My experience and practice as a hypnotherapist:

  • In April of 2022 I had no clue what hypnotherapy was or how it could help me. Full disclosure, I had just gotten out of a shitty relationship and felt like I was repeating the same cycles and lessons over and over again. I was carrying a lot of grief and anxiety from 2020 (aren’t we all). Plus a lifetime of well… life experiences. I’d been working with a wonderful therapist for the past four years but there were some things that still hadn’t totally clicked for me. My co-worker and dear friend suggested I contact a local hypnotherapist, so I did. In the next six weeks, everything changed. It was like all the things I always knew but could never internalize and integrate suddenly just clicked into place. Since them, literally every aspect of my life has improved. The answers were always inside… hypnotherapy just helped them come through.

    So, as of April of 2023, I have completed my training with the amazing Christine Marie Speaks, who was also my hypnotherapist. I can now offer this service to clients both in person and online.

  • Hypnotherapy played such a huge role in my healing and higher consciousness journey, I knew as soon as I completed my 8 sessions I wanted to get trained in it myself. Since my sessions, I have become much more keenly aware of my subconscious and my own energy. It became even more clear that my soul’s purpose in this life is to be a light worker which I have been able to do in my role as a therapist. It has also helped me to tune more into energy and be more aware of the energy I bring into sessions, how I transmute the energy of others and shift the energy of the room throughout a session.

    I take these new understandings to heart as I move forward in my work as a hypnotherapist and working as a higher consciousness coach. I do believe the work I do here is medicine and I feel so lucky and grateful to be able to fulfill this role where I can help others while they do this deep self-healing work.

So what exactly is hypnotherapy?

That’s a great question and probably the most commonly asked one. I’m sure you might have an idea of hypnosis based on something you saw in the movies, right? Someone waving a clocking in front of your face going “you’re getting very sleepy….” it making you quack like a duck or forget your name when they snap your fingers or something like that. That is all theatrical or stage hypnosis and none of that has a use therapeutically (unless you want to become a duck I guess). The best way I can describe it is like a guided medication. There is some visualization that is involved and what the session contains is based on your individual goals and needs. If you’ve ever done deep medication and felt that moment where you go within yourself, it’s a lot like that. Essentially it engages your subconscious (like dream-state) and allows you to totally change your mind.

Mind, body and spirit are so deeply connected. Trauma gets stored in the body and impacts the functioning of mind and strength of spirit as well. Hypnotherapy allows us to move energies and release the past to become the best version of ourselves. It can help with: inner child healing, childhood trauma, generational trauma, sexual trauma, healing from breakups or divorce, reparenting, releasing connections and attachments, stress, overwhelm and anxiety, limiting beliefs, low self esteem and much more. It can lead to spiritual awakenings, manifesting your dream life, spiritual healing, past life regression work, intuition, tapping into supernatural abilities, and strengthening the mind body connection leading to self-healing.

I rely on my clinical skills as a therapist to get your background and understand your specific needs and goals. Then as an intuitive and holistic practitioner we will move through hypnotherapy to help you meet your goals and become the best version of yourself.

Hypnotherapy can never be fully explained, only experienced. I am more than happy to talk to you about it and answer any questions in a phone consultation.

Transpersonal Hypnotherapy

Just like all kinds of therapy, there are theories and different subsets that therapist can practice. I have integrative tools (including Neuro-linguistic Programming) that I can use, but usually practice transpersonal hypnotherapy and coaching. Transpersonal hypnotherapy is deeply rooted in the following therapeutic theories: Psychoanalytic, Behavioral Psychology, Humanistic Psychology, Transpersonal Psychology, With this background the transpersonal approach attempts to work on underlying issues, determine the thought that needs to change, allow the client space to create personal mastery and then reach full spiritual potential.

“Transpersonal Hypnotherapy is holistic, synthesizing Transpersonal Psychology with Ericksonian Hypnosis, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), Alchemical Hypnotherapy and other proven schools of thought. As with Transpersonal Psychology, Transpersonal Hypnotherapy recognizes our drive toward wholeness, toward a fuller intuitive experience of spirit. This broad perspective empowers you to be a competent hypnotherapist”

I’m sure you have questions still…

  • “Hypnotherapy, especially hypnotherapy used for behavioral health issues, may share many similarities with psychotherapy or talk therapy. Like hypnotherapy, psychotherapy involves a person meeting with a trained and experienced professional with the goal of decreasing psychological distress.

    The main difference is that hypnotherapy is commonly regarded as a complementary or alternative treatment. Hypnotherapy can be used by itself, in addition to talk therapy sessions with a psychotherapist, or as a tool used by a therapist during psychotherapy sessions. Alone, though, hypnotherapy is not the same as psychotherapy.”

  • An hour to an hour and a half. I always suggest setting aside two hours for the session so you have a few moments to integrate what you learned after we finish.

  • Basically anyone who feels like there is still “something more” they need to work through or “something more” they can gain. It can be used on a wide range of different things, the most important thing is that the individual is open minded, teachable and motivated for change.

    Please note: I do not do medical hypnosis at this time!

  • My role as a hypnotherapist is pretty simple:

    1) to understand you, your core values, goals and needs.

    2) to guide you into self-hypnosis and teach you how to harness your subconscious

  • That’s easy, in other therapies such as talk therapy or rapid eye movement therapy, we are talking using your waking mind. With talk therapy we are exploring your subconscious and making changes it so you can navigate the world in a happier and more peaceful way.

    However, it is similar in some ways. It has clinical backing like other therapies and is actually accepted and payed for by insurance.

  • Please reach out to me to book a phone consultation, so we can discuss your goals and what hypnotherapy will look like for you. Everyone has individualized needs and plans to this is a difficult thing to explain in such general terms.

  • This can better be determined in a phone consultation, so it can be based on your needs.

    At this time, hypnotherapy is sold as a package, with three sessions for $400. Each session last about an hour, sometimes an hour and a half.

Ready to get started?

Located at: 8028 Old County Rd 54, New Port Richey, FL 34653

Or available online for remote sessions wherever you are located.